How to: Naturally Whiten your Teeth While Increasing the Health of your Mouth (Lots!)

Hey guys!

Today I wanted to do a video on 12 ways to whiten your teeth naturally without spending a bunch of money and ingesting a lot of chemicals. Some of these are more common sense but I wanted to include them as reminders!!!!;)

1. Essential Oxygen Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse: This stuff has made such a difference for me. The hydrogen peroxide has totally cleaned and whitened my teeth dramatically.

2. Tumeric Paste: I use this daily and will switch this to every other day once my mouth is at the health and whiteness I want to be. Take 1 tbs. turmeric powder and mix with a little water to make a paste. Then, use a SEPERATE toothbrush to brush your teeth. The toothbrush will stain but it’s okay, that is why you use a separate one. Then, you will brush teeth and use your rinse AFTER. This seems weird but it really helps!

3. Oil Pulling: Take a sesame or coconut oil and swish in your mouth for 20 minutes then SPIT IT OUT. I know this seems crazy but it has SO many health benefits. I will link more information: here.

4. Floss and Brush your Teeth 2x a Day: Come on guys 2X A DAY!;)

5. Tounge Scraping: People neglect cleaning their tounge, but a simple tounge scraping in the AM could take care of that.

6. Watch Your Diet (Sugar, Wine, Coffee): Eating a ton of sugar can really hurt your teeth and if you eat something sugary try eating something low sugar with it and wash your teeth after. Also, remember that wine and coffee can stain your teeth so be aware of your intake of these things.   

 7. Alkaline Diet: If you are too acidic your body can stat taking calcium from your bones. Extremely bad news for your teeth.

8. Eat Enough/ Prevent Osteoporosis: If you don’t eat enough you can develop osteoporosis which will REALLY affect your teeth long term. This is why dentists are usually one of the first people to find eating disorders.

9. Fun Fact: Strawberries are natural teeth whitener because they contain malic acid which is a enamel whitener so eat up!

Don’t forget the giveaway

What are your beautiful white teeth tips?

With love and you beautiful smiles ❤