Bliss Salad

Best salad ever and it’s approved for just about every diet except low carb.. SO GOOD TOO!



-Lettuce of choice  ( I like regular red leaf lettuce)

-Pint Strawberries


-5 or more Dates

-Basil (opt)

-Red Onion or Green Onion (opt)

-Cherry Tomatos (opt)

Okay so for heaven here we go.

Chop lettuce and mango. Mix well so all the juices get mixed in. Add tomatos, onion, and herbs.

Then blend strawberries and dates(should be thick) coat salad in it. Add a few chopped strawberries on top.

It is SO GOOD!

Picture Credit: Google Images:)

Question of the day: Will you try this? How can you make it your own and what would like to see here?:)

Peace and Love ❤

IIFYM.. Ways to add nutrients without taking away from your macros.

iifym   vs. nutrient dense

I’ve noticed a huge IIFYM trend lately and I think it’s a great thing to normailize foods. Although sadly, because there’s so much pressure to hit certain macro goal I see a lot of people avoiding all nutrient dense foods because they don’t want to “waste macros on it or would prefer a different food”. Which I think is sad because balance is super important but so is nutrition, ya know?
Here is a great post from my favorite blog/registered dietician that you should read it you struggle with wanting to always pick fake foods to hit macors that leave you hungry (This isn’t everyone, I know that:)! : Calories are not a bank account by The Real Life RD ❤

So I thought I’d add some tips to get nutrition to your food without “wasting macros” 🙂 … Enjoy…

1. Add green powders/Chlorophyll.. Very little if any macros and adds alkalinity and minerals. If your looking for some reliable brands see here.

2. Take a multi-vitamin.

3. Eat organic off the dirty dozen. When possible.

4. Use melted banana as a sweetener vs. sugar.

5. Eat giant salads(High volume) and green protein smoothies (so easy and tasteless).

6. Add veggies to your egg whites.

7. Use coconut oil vs. butter.

8. Use plant proteins such as these…Same macros.

9. Get fiber from beans in baking or something like that vs, fiber one products.

10. Use raw cacao vs. store bought Hershey’s.

11. Zevia vs. Diet Coke.

Hope these help. Macro friendly ways to boost health!:)

Coupon Code for products: RQANXY.

Happy New Year:)!!!!~