10 Tips for People with Gastroparesis

1. JOURNAL: Write down what you eat and how it makes you feel. Start a green (can eat as much as you want)/ Yellow (foods you have to moderate the amount for pain purposes)/ Red( can’t eat without pain). This is sooo important and helpful.

2. Check out Living Well with Gastroparesis. Crystal has tons of helpful info on her site.

3. “Eat your fruit, juice your vegetables.” The fiber in veggies is super hard to digest. I’ve found juicing my veggies to be super helpful. Normal Walker has a book on juicing that is fantastic for beginners. It you want to eat your veggies, try to stick with steamed spinach or the like to help with bloating. Fruit is super easy to digest. Peel your fruit and you’ll be feeling great:)

4.  Don’t just eat processed foods. I know fiber is tough to digest, and processed food is easy on the stomach. However, that still won’t make you feel your best. Use your journal to find what works for you. Some ideas are bananas, egg whites, yogurt, ezekial products, applesauce, rice, steamed greens, green juice, papaya, pineapple, rice cakes, avocado, and more. These are all healthy foods that are fairly easy to digest.

5. Reduce inflammation. I have tons of posts on this, but reduce inflammation can help your body to heal. Quick tips: Add tumeric, increase greens, add superfoods, eat more plant based and more.

6.   Stress Less. THIS IS HUGE! I know how tough this condition can be, but the more you stress over food and such the worse it will be. The connection between digestion and the mind is huge. Make meals special … light a candle, pray, and enjoy your food. Tension makes the meal much harder digest. If your overwhelmed wait a bit til you calm down then enjoy!

7. Laugh often!!! #thankyouellen 😉

8.  Do lots and lots of yoga twists. It feel fantastic. Just youtube “yoga for digestion” and/or “yoga twists”. Helps a lot during a flare up.

9. Eat smaller meals OR fast more. So this is one that is very individual. Some people do best to eat super small meals throughout the day(6-8x a day usually). Or eat calorie dense food, and intermittent fast. Make sure you get your calories!!!! But intermittent calories can be a helpful way to get calories but not digest food all the time so it’s less painful.

10. Nut butters are super hard to digest just saying. I LOVE NUT BUTTER, but with gastroparesis it’s so hard to handle. Just a tip. Try avocado, chia, flax, or coconut. ❤

If you have an active eating disorder it will mask itself as gastroparesis, because your body is not used to digesting food. If this is the case none of these tips apply, and please get the help you need<3

I sincerely hope these help.

With much love.

What tips help you guys out?